How to Change Twitter Handle

In the ever-evolving landscape of social media, maintaining a fresh and engaging online presence is paramount. Learning how to change Twitter handle and name can breathe new life into your profile.

However, it’s not just about updating; it’s about understanding the nuances, implications, and effectively communicating changes to your audience. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the steps on how to change Twitter handle and name across various devices, ensuring a seamless transition for both you and your followers.

Understanding the Twitter Landscape: Handle vs. Name

Before diving into the step-by-step process on how to change Twitter handle, let’s clarify the distinction between a handle and a name on Twitter. Your Twitter handle, often referred to as a username, is the unique identifier that starts with “@” and is used for mentions and direct messages. On the other hand, your Twitter name is your real name, comprised of your first and last name, displayed on your profile. Both play a crucial role in how you present yourself on the platform.

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Why Consider Changing Your Twitter Handle?

People opt to change their Twitter handles for various reasons, such as rebranding, personal preference, or aligning with a new phase in their lives. It’s important to note that altering your handle doesn’t impact your followers or previous tweets. However, to maintain transparency and avoid confusion, it’s advisable to inform your audience before making the switch. Offering a 48-hour notice without disclosing the new handle helps prevent others from claiming it during the transition.

Step-by-Step Guide for Changing Your Twitter Handle:

How to change Twitter handle on Android:

1. Launch the Twitter app on your Android device.

2. Tap your profile icon at the top left.

3. Navigate to “Settings & Privacy” > “Your Account” > “Account Information.”

4. Select “Username” and input your desired handle.

5. A green check indicates availability; “Username has already been taken” signifies otherwise.

6. Click “Done” to save changes.

How to change Twitter handle on Computer

1. Visit

2. Click “More” above your profile picture.

3. Access “Settings & Privacy” > “Your Account” > “Account Information.”

4. Enter your Twitter password and confirm.

5. Click “Username,” input the new handle, and save.

6. Authenticate, pass the Captcha, and your handle is updated.

How to change Twitter handle On iPhone:

1. Open the Twitter app on your iPhone.

2. Tap your profile icon > “Settings & Support” > “Your Account” > “Account Information.”

3. Choose “Username” and input the new handle.

4. Tap “Continue” and then “Done” after bot or captcha verification.

Changing Your Twitter Name:

Changing your Twitter name is a separate process and can be done on various devices.

On iPhone:

1. Open the Twitter app, click your profile picture, and select “Profile.”

2. Click “Edit Profile” > “Name” and replace it with your new name.

3. Tap the “Save” icon at the top right.

On Mobile:

1. Launch the Twitter app, click your profile, and select “Edit Profile.”

2. Tap “Name,” delete it, add your new name, and click “Save” at the top right.

On Desktop:

1. Visit

2. Click “Profile” > “Edit Profile.”

3. Clear your current name and type the new one.

4. Click “Save” at the top right.

Communication is Key:

Before making any changes, it’s essential to communicate with your followers. Transparency fosters a positive online community, and informing them in advance ensures they are not caught off guard.


In the ever-evolving realm of social media, keeping your profile updated and reflective of your current identity is a strategic move. By following these step-by-step instructions and expanding on the significance of each step, you can seamlessly refresh your Twitter handle and name, enhancing your online presence and maintaining a strong connection with your audience. Embrace the change, communicate openly, and continue to thrive in the digital landscape.